Sunday, January 15, 2012

Effect of Walgreens and Express Scripts Dispute

This post brought to you by Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.

Both my sisters are currently living in the US.  They're the ones buying the vitamins for my parents and other medicine that they can get at Walgreens at a good price.  But with the latest issue regarding Walgreens and Express Scripts Scripts dispute, they kind of worry how are they going buy those medicines with their health plan since Express Scripts rejected the offer from Walgreens to contract separately with Express Scripts for Tricare from other Express Scripts commercial business, but these offers were rejected.  One of Express Scripts’ clients is Tricare, which is the health and prescription drug program for America’s military service men and women.

Another group of people got affected with this disputer are Walgreens patients and customer.  They are forced to go elsewhere to use their in-network pharmacy benefits was unnecessary. Walgreens offers more 24-hour and drive-thru pharmacies than any other pharmacy in the country.  Many patients under an Express Scripts plan have used Walgreens pharmacies for years and have a personal relationship with their Walgreens pharmacist.  In an effort to minimize their disruption and inconvenience, Walgreens unveiled a comprehensive national effort to make this transition as smooth as possible and is doing all it can to help patients continue to use Walgreens when possible, or take care of them as they are forced to leave Walgreens in order to use their in-network coverage.  You can still save with Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens.  So become a member now and avail the special discount on annual membership for its Prescription Savings Club as well as the savings and benefits you can get.  For $10 a year, a family membership covers everyone in your immediate family, including a spouse, dependents 22 and younger and pets. Individuals may join for $5. I also would like to encourage you to follow Walgreens on Twitter and like the page of Walgreens on Facebook to stay updated with the latest information and coupons too.

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Leovi said...


Rosie Cheeks said...

I love getting my meds at walgreens anyway to save money sign me up. ;)

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